Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Changing Places

If you could take one famous person's place for the day, who would it be and why??

I would probably like to take the place of Merideth Vierra on the Today Show. I would love to be able to meet all of the famous people that come on the Today show and get a chance to visit with them.


  1. it would be kobe bryant while hes playing so i could go play in the staples center and see what it feels like.


  2. umm, i would probably take like ummmmmmm.... Chef Ramzi! he's so mean and everyone is scared of him so i would totally want to be him =P

  3. not sure. I dont think that i would want to change places with a famous person. I really dont think that that would be all that fun and amazing.

  4. I'm pretty sure i would want to be Luciana Barroso....Matt Damon's wife :]

  5. ummm...I would want to be...not really anyone. I don't really WANT to be anyone. I would be a famous myself and do my own thing. :)


  6. well if i could change places with anyone it would be nicholas cage HEEEE ROOOOOOCCCCCCKKKKKKSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

  7. if i could be any faMOUS PERSON FOR ONE DAY I WOULD BE Michael Clarke Duncan because he is ripped and is freakin awsome

    conner gould
